Wednesday, October 26, 2011



On the bright side, everyone reading this is still alive. So that's good.

P.S. Anyone who knows what the title is referencing and sends me a message with the correct answer...I'll write a poem about you. (Guess we will find out if that's an incentive or a hindrance.)


  1. Sounds like something from broadway lol! Uh... *thinks* Hmm... This ought to be interesting.....Well, the title makes me think you're extremeeeeely happy, excited, and is in all smiles :P still not sure what the title means though. Are ya gonna sing? =o Orrr....wait! How do you send you a message? :O Hm.

  2. One can message me in a number of ways... email, instant message, letter, postcard, gift with attached note... Really anything you can come up with. This contest is not at all time sensitive. :)

  3. I guess it's a good thing I know your email...but what if you don't?

  4. Then you complain and say, "Hey, I know the answer, but I don't know how to contact you!" :P
    But no...I'm pretty sure everyone who would be interested at this point knows how to contact me. :)

  5. Well, okay, I guess! :D
