Thursday, December 23, 2010

Appreciation of Heavier Metal

What a sharper view of beauty,
These panicked particles, twisting around,
As the center always, always remains lovely.
Coming down from the great bursting of light,
When quicker songs were more fun to hum,
We stood, or sank, hurling bottles into the ocean, dear friend.

The ocean roared, the monsters of the deep laughed,
The flowers floating on the surface screamed.
Free at last! the constancy of that solid dream,
The assurance of every late night before, after
And during winter. We were certain of the center,
Because everything else exposed our fears.

Afraid of what might happen to us,
Amused as the flood turned to snow,
Turned into a blizzard, back into sunlight,
It melted, as two scared runaways braved
The heat of the storm of the meaningless challenge.
In triumph, should we even remember the venust nymph?


  1. Wooow, I really love that one...^_^
    I'm not sure if I imagined a song..or a .....oooh I imagined as a music video..thats
    Great job,I really enjoyed that one

  2. A music video...hmm or perhaps a movie trailer. It's amazing what happens to words when you put them to music.

  3. Good to know you appreciate heavier metal. :)
