Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Pain of Memory

Don’t you remember what it was like,
Back before you knew about this life,
When every day was an exploration,
And not just a waving voyage to a fight.

what I remember
is the blood on the floor
cries of horror from the door
the pain of tragedy for hours
and feeling sick at the flowers
they picked to remember
what I hoped to forget

So watch out for the worse things still,
And if you won’t, then trust that I will.

what need is there to watch
for the gripping fear that is before me
in the daylight when I still see
the sight of those lifeless eyes beneath
staring up and condemning me
for what I can’t bear to speak about
even so far out beyond that life

So let us stand tall against this together.
but I can’t while I fear I’ll remember forever
With the release of every chapter of Below the Land, I will be posting a companion poem. This is the poem related to Chapter 19.

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